
An unexpected error occurred when updating to VirtueMart 3.6.4 using the All-in-One installer. The error was due to the uninitialized language object. First, we discovered that the VirtueMart files were loaded incorrectly when installing with third-party plug-ins present. But then all of a sudden, even with a completely new installation. The previous installation routine only checked whether the VmConfig class existed and executed the load configuration. The new installation routine also checks the existence of the vmLanguage class.

And suddenly we had a problem with the PayPal IPN. If you google for the problem it is easy to see that it has been a periodically recurring problem. Our IPN function used the DNS records of the domains listed in the white list to check the IP. The new method uses a mixed mode and also checks if the requesting IP is resolved to the domains in the white list.

VirtueMart 3 component (core and AIO)

Update for 3.6.6: Some third-party developers only include our class VmConfig, but do not execute the loadConfig function. In other places, we check whether the VmConfig class already exists, and include AND executed loadConfig only if the class has not already been loaded. The router and the system plugin for updates now specifically check whether loadConfig has actually been executed.

Changed behaviour

  • 3.6.6 Invoice download icon is now a button with the invoice number
  • 3.6.6 Backend order list search now considers order id and order total now (round by 2 digits)

List of fixes

  • Fix for AIO installer, ensuring a correctly initialised vm config
  • 3.6.8 Fix for user registration in account view
  • 3.6.8 fix for not loaded joomla language if user activation is used (double opt-in)
  • 3.6.8 Virtuemart registration email now uses the joomla parameter "sendpassword" correctly
  • 3.6.8 checkPaypalIps now works with a mixed mode. Thanks to Studio42 for this idea.