
Good news for the VirtueMart community.

VirtueMart 2.0 could be considers like a good cidre, excellent when produced, yet matures with age. You can say the same for VM2 whilst still young, the new release went very well, and has matured, like a good cidre or a first year wine, this can be demonstrated by the strong and active community of people who are helping the maturity process and this is just after only being released for 6 months.

The community has got used to the new methods, the forum is full of excellent tutorials, hints, tips, and tricks and there is a lot of communication in the forum between the team and the users, we have received a lot of input, good test reports, and fixes, so we would like to say a big thank you!

A free community shopping cart used the world over

There are many more new 3rd party developer extensions in the new extensions directory and templates available for VM2, if you have not had a look check it out (,,3rd Party Extensions Board).

Security: We added a new filter for security, to prevent XSS


  • We have added a new tax type "VAT tax", Taxes of this type use the final price to recalculate the result.
  • We also fine tuned the product edit view, which was often requested, which now calculates the cost price with given taxes, discounts and final price.
  • We also focused on the little inconsistencies that some beginners were stumbling over it.

We had to do some changes on the custom system:

We tried to keep backward compatibility where possible and tested it with various plugins, however we cannot guarantee for all 3rd party plugins, so when you use a 3rd party custom plugin (this is not the shipment, payment, ...) please test or ask the developer before you update.

The plan for the future:

  • we plan to add the multiple prices per shopper group
  • A new layout for a kind of vm1 product types (you can order a lot of different variants of one product in one view),
  • Editable orders
  • Multivendor
  • Bootstrap (for joomla 3.0)
  • Enhance the vm2 custom system
  • Combining the plugin stockable variant with dynamic child variant of the core.


Based on Joomla MVC framework with all its advantage


Please remember most features are written by community members, so we cannot guarantee that all of this will be in the next version, but some.

New Features:

  • Send email to shoppers by orderstatus, and waiting list.
  • New type of calculation rule "VAT tax"
  • Price overwrites and calculation of the base price by given final price.
  • The rounding of the currencies can be enabled again, using the value -1 in the setting for the rounding of prices.
  • The settings for price rounding also affects now the prices in the cart
  • Invoices: you can select in the configuration the default order status to send an invoice.
  • Shopper will be able to be added to more than one shopper group.
  • Adding vendor Address to order emails
  • Dynamic child variants can now be configured, if displaying parent as option or not.
  • Some template enhancements, like "back to category button", added classes and similar
  • Added more valid_search_fields ='product_name','product_sku','product_s_desc','metadesc'
  • Added date picker and other stuff to the shopper fields
  • Added shopper field plugin types (for example for captchas)



  • Removed strict standard warnings
  • Areas of the code has been cleaned
  • Router (enhances also the checkout)
  • Storing and handling of shopper addresses (Bill-to and Ship-to)
  • Added checks to shopper groups, to facilitate the prevention of products being visible to users in a wrong shopper group.
  • Ordering, filters, and search in various views: orders, report, inventory view, media, ...
  • Problem when creating child products in multi language shops
  • Problem, with storing parent with child products being deleted or overwriting various values of the child product.
  • State/country check
  • Manufacturer categories, when using apply, these were not always redirecting to the correct category
  • Some fixes in migrator
  • Media synchroniser is now checking to ensure the media paths/urls are valid
  • It should be now possible to move the page to another server and the "file for sale" are still valid
  • When only one product image is available, it will not display the small little image any longer
  • Refactoring in custom fields,they is now more consistency and the handling parameters are easier, orders store now $product_attribute[$selected] = $productCustom->virtuemart_custom_id; and not $product_attribute[$selected] = $selected; anylonger
  • Enhanced a bit some error messages
  • FE category pagination fixes
  • Some fixes to the ask a question system
  • Added functions, vmJsApi::js,vmJsApi::css to prevent multiple loadings from same JS libraires
  • Small other js fixes (for example better compatibility with IE7)
  • now also checking to make sure if curl_exec function exists
  • Plugin stockable variants
  • Added 3rd Info as common link to contact and manual for 3rd party developers
  • And various small, other fixes


When you use VirtueMart and you like it please vote for us

Download zip version (be aware it may be too big for your server configuration to use it with the joomla installer)

Download tar.gz version (this is a smaller package and easier to upload, but some servers cannot handle tar.gz)


The most important languages are already included in the AIO, but when you need a language not already included you may find it in this package: